We did a few projects at Craig's parents: landscaping to include 24 yards of bark dust and helping a friend replace their deck.
We enjoy spending time at our leased site and since the park had limited guests all summer, we had lots of wildlife to enjoy.
Some friends we met on our first winter south in Palm Desert came to Washington and we parked together for about 10 days at the Puyallup Fairgrounds. We did some site seeing in Seattle, visited the LeMay America's Car Museum in Tacoma, visited the Chiluly Glass Bridge and Ruston Way in Tacoma.
Lexie had been dealing with diarrheaa and lack of appetite from April - August. We thought it was primarily effects from her liver issues, but after multiple tests it was determine to be a bacteria. After many visits to the specialist and about 10 different meds, we finally got her through it. The vet did some additional testing on her liver and for now we have decided not to put her back on the major liver medications as long as her enzymes stay about the same - their not good, but they didn't change in about 3 months so we will retest again in November. It has been so good to finally get her back to normal with a good appetite.
We spent 4 different times in Oregon, in both Salem and Estacada, to attend various family functions and a wedding in July. We also kayaked at the Clackamas North Fork Reservoir. Craig was able to take our friend on the motorcycle to Detroit Lake and they had a great day. Unfortunately within a week, she was admitted into the hospital and is still trying to get stronger after having a severe intestinal infection.
On Sept. 11 we left our leased site and drove to Eugene in time to watch most of the Seahawks game. We only made it to one preseason game this year - Cowboys @ Seahawks - so great that Seahawks won, despite Craig cheering for his Dallas team. We are getting our yearly maintenance items done to include getting a couple of windows replaced that lost their seal and getting the tile cleaned and resealed. We are also going to get a residential refrigerator put in, but it is on backorder, so we'll have to wait til the first part of October.
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