Friday, January 10, 2014

Happy New Year

We had a great Christmas and celebrated the New Year with friends who joined us in the Chehalis campground.  We are now getting ready to head to warmer weather.  This includes doing doctor appointments for us and "the girls", getting around and seeing friends and family, Craig is getting the enclosed trailer ready to travel and we are stocking up on all supplies needed in the motorhome to include warm weather clothes.

Lexie had her Platelet shot yesterday into her elbow.  She was one sore dog coming out of the procedure, but seems to be doing good.  Of course to prepare her for the shot and process they have to shave her and she looks a little funny with the shaved spots on her legs.  Most of the other areas we can do a "comb over" and those spots are hard to detect.  The other areas were just finally growing back.  We won't know if this procedure works to relieve pain for at least 2-3 weeks so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Besides our friends that were here the week of News Year, we have not had any human visitors in our entire loop since prior to Christmas.  Of course we do enjoy the daily visit by the group of deer that come by the site in early evening - sometimes we also see them on their morning walk.

We will head to Oregon on Jan. 16, stop in Estacada to see friends and our nephew and family and then head to Eugene for a few days to get a few more updates done to the motorhome and then we'll be heading to California.  Not sure our exact plans but thinking we'll head to Monterrey, then to Santa Barbara, then on to an area south east of LA.  From there we'll go into Arizona, then Las Vegas to see our niece's family and then onto Utah.  Depending upon time we may see a few more sites before we head back to Chehalis to arrive around end of May.  As we finalize and travel, we'll keep the blog updated.  We are really looking forward to traveling and sharing the sites and areas we visit with everyone.  We are of course also looking forward to the warmer weather.

Can't wait for the Seahawk playoff game over the Saints on Saturday - Go Seahawks!!!

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