Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sun City - Paradise RV Resort

We arrived into the Encore Park in Sun City, AZ on November 1 and will be here two months.  We started meeting all of our neighbors, and look forward to all of the social get togethers.  We got our site set-up and I immediately went to the hair gal we met in the area almost 3 years ago to get my hair trimmed - bangs are back after two years of growing them out.

First sunset

I was so surprised when one of the work friends called and told me there was three of them having a girls weekend in Arizona and they wanted to come visit and do lunch - these three were all process managers that worked for me in DuPont - one from Texas, one from Montana and one from DuPont.  We had a great time catching up.

We met with Craig's Orthopedic surgeon on Dec. 8 and he felt that physical therapy would take care of his knee.  So Craig's been going to therapy two days a week. He also met with a foot surgeon after getting X-Rays back in June that his rheumatologist felt should be checked out.   She told him that surgery would not be necessary until the foot starts causing him pain.  In the meantime we have been taking it somewhat easy, just filling our time with getting together with people in the park and those we know outside of the park; school friend, work friends retired and still working and an old neighbor.

We met some friends from Scottsdale and took in "Hidden in the Hills Studio Tour".  We made it to 12 of the 47 studios  Each studio had 2-4 guest artists, so we saw a great variety of art work.  It was so great going into the artists homes and studios.

The Ranch

Christopher Heede Studio
BH Bowman Studios
Skidd North

We celebrated my birthday in November at Arrowhead Grill, which was excellent.  We also met some friends at Rustler's Roost and everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the view overlooking Phoenix.

View from our table, looking over outside party and the city

View at night, overlooking party in heavy coats and
skyline of lights

While sitting in one place for two months,  I decided to be more disciplined about walking, so I started walking 2-3 miles a day and now Craig joins me on days he isn't in therapy.  He also started riding his bicycle 6 miles, 6 days a week with a neighbor - they go out every morning at 6 am.  I also started an exercise class at the lodge 3 days a week, using weights.  They have a great fitness center here, but we've only been there one time.

The coach (inside and outside) is decorated for Christmas - it's so great that it takes only about an hour.  Enjoying all the Christmas decorations around the park and we will soon be taking part in some of the holiday events/decorations outside of the park.

Since we have not been doing any site seeing, we have great sunset pictures to share as we get some fabulous sunsets.