Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Activity in Chehalis

It's been about 6 weeks since I've made any updates to the blog.  We've been filling most of our time getting all of our appointments completed, and attending a few with Craig's parents.  We will have a couple more to do in July and some in August.

We've also enjoyed getting together with friends and family doing dinners, barbecues, a graduation party, anniversary celebrations, Father's Day, 4th of July, etc.  We had one additional birthday celebration for Craig's 60th at our friends home.  There is a story to all the pigs on his cake that you'll have to ask about when you see him.

We spent the last week of June in Eugene getting our new step put on the motorhome and then spent 4 nights in Estacada with our friends.  We enjoyed watching the Mama Mallard duck and her seven ducklings swimming in the pond.  It was great that our nephew and family could come and visit for an afternoon.  The kids loved playing with the frogs in the pond.

A quick picture as we were waiting for family to arrive for our 4th of July barbecue - Tri Tip Steak.

We added a fountain to our campsite and have been enjoying watching the birds drink and take baths in it.

We'll be here in Chehalis for one more week and then we'll move to Yelm, parking along side of Craig's parent's home while we help out with Mother's back surgery.  We then will be going onto Seaside with friends from July 28 - August 7.