Saturday, November 23, 2013

In Chehalis preparing for Thanksgiving

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've updated this blog.  I meant to keep it updated monthly, but when there isn't anything real news worthy, it's hard to come up with things to write that would be interesting.

So, we've spent the last month in Chehalis for a couple of weeks, back to Yelm and then just returned to Chehalis again last night.  Over the last month, we spent Halloween here in Chehalis at the leased campsite, had our good friends here the weekend before Halloween and participated in the trick or treating event in the campground.  We had about 40ish trick or treaters, handing out candy from around our campfire.  We didn't hand out that much candy while in our home.

We then went to the Veteran's Memorial Museum in Chehalis.  We've been meaning to stop and see what they had, but when the four of us got there, we were quite surprised how extensive it was.  We spent about 2-3 hours there and would definitely encourage others to attend.

We spent the last 3 weeks capturing a wild cat from our campsite, getting it neutered, and then helping the recovery process.  We kept him in the motor home a couple of days prior to having his surgery to see how wild he really was, and then we kept it for a week and 1/2 after the surgery for the healing process.  Craig released him today.

We've fixed a couple of meals on the new pellet barbque while at the campsite.  We decided to try a turkey and it turned out wonderful - very flavorful and juicy.  Probably the best we have ever done to include those we've cooked in the oven.  Of course as you can tell, Craig's new hobby, didn't stay just Craig's for very long.  I'm the one researching the brine or rubbing process, how to prepare and then what needs to be put on the meat once it's on the grill to help the grilling process.  We fixed stuffing at the same time on the grill.

We also enjoyed the visit from my Nephew and his family.  Since there was six of them, they rented a cabin in the campground for the night.  We did dinner together and the kids enjoyed running in the field behind our spot prior to it getting dark.  We then went to the cabin for bedtime and they almost had room for all four kids - one had to (or begged to) sleep in the closet.  The next morning they want onto celebrate their summer birthdays after all working together to earn a night at Great Wolf Lodge.

We've also enjoyed dinner with those we've worked with and have had lots more time connecting with friends and family.  Looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with Craig's parents and both of his brothers and wives will be their to celebrate their Mother's birthday.  We are all helping to fix the dinner.  All of us haven't been together for a holiday in many, many years.

We are continuing to keep Lexie as still as possible, luckily she's an older dog and it hasn't been too difficult, as we've had her on new medication over the last month.  She's on two different pain pills and an anti-inflammatory med. Unfortunately she really hasn't improved considering all the medication so we are reaching back out to the specialist again to see what's next.

Craig and I wish all of you a very wonderful Thanksgiving Day and hope that you can keep the Thanksgiving spirit all year long!!!